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Airnergy Spirovital Therapy / Spirovitalisation
Airnergy Spirovitalisation generally refers to the energizing of the inhaled air, without changing the air composition itself. This energizing is brought about by a short‐term raising of the oxygen in the atmospheric air from the normal state (triplet oxygen 3O2) to a higher energy level (singlet oxygen, 1O2). This happens because of the effect of light of specific wavelengths in the presence of a specially‐selected, patented photosensitiser.
However, this higher energy state of oxygen “only” lasts for fractions of a second before the energy that is released on its reversion to the normal state is given up to the water molecules in the air (conservation of energy principle) and inhaled together with the "normal" atmospheric oxygen of the ambient air that is saturated with water vapour.
It is possible to distinguish the following physiological or biochemical aspects that eventually leads to enhanced ATP generation:
1. The energy that is released after reversion of the previously created singlet oxygen into the normal state is used to form high‐energy hydrogen bridges and can therefore be transported via the lungs to the capillaries.
2. There, by the activation of 2, 3‐biphosphoglycerate, more oxygen is released from the haemoglobin in the erythrocytes (displacement of the oxygen dissociation curve to the right).
3. Metabolism of the oxygen reaching the mitochondria with hydrogen ions to form water is enhanced in the respiratory chain by the activation of the cytochrome oxidise complex and this releases a lot of energy that then serves for the generation of ATP.
4. And an additional positive effect of Airnergy therapy is the neutralisation of oxygen radicals that are constantly produced during metabolism (and are also necessary for life), but when in excess (due to stress, old‐age, illness) can dramatically jeopardise the energetic situation of the individual cells.
There are four important aspects in which Airnergy Spirovitalisation has the advantage over all "oxygen" therapies. At the same time it must be pointed out that it is not actually an oxygen therapy (the inhaled air is no different from normal atmospheric air) but rather an energizing of the inhaled air.
From all of the experience and knowledge so far it appears that Spirovitalisation represents a complex intervention in the biocybernetic and bioenergetic functional processes of the organism. By harmonising the basic regulation in the cells and in the extracellular matrix this leads to improved oxygen supply to all structures and there to enhanced O2 utilisation. This activates the cells own energy production (ATP) and contributes towards regulating the metabolism of the whole organism.
Both preventatively and curatively, Spirovitalisation activates and supports necessary bioregulatory processes in the sense of a complete and universally‐applicable measure. As a basic therapy it accompanies and promotes both prevention and rehabilitation, performance optimisation, acceleration of regeneration, clinical treatment concepts and conventional medical interventions.
An evaluation of end user information on the effectiveness of Spirovitalisation in organic diseases showed that it had successfully been used in disorders of the nervous system, respiratory tract, cardiovascular system, locomotor system, endocrine system, in metabolic diseases, eye conditions, pain and immunological insufficiency.
In the case of functional disorders end users assessed the effects of Airnergy Spirovital therapy on energy status (performance, activity, load tolerance, strength, and motivation), well‐being (sleep quality, mood, breathing, digestion, and immune status), regeneration (deepening, accelerating, relaxing, pulse lowering) and on the sensory system (smell, eye‐sight, skin, dizziness) as being very positive.
As far as the therapists’ assessment goes, they found that Spirovital therapy could usefully be used for organic diseases in dentistry, oncology, respiratory tract diseases, eye conditions, disorders of the locomotor system, the cardiovascular system, the immune system, in metabolic diseases, as an anti‐ageing method and for pain as well as for inflammation and post‐operatively.
In the therapists' opinion Spirovital therapy has a favourable effect upon functional disorders, in particular a drop in performance, absence of well‐being, sleep disorders, immune insufficiency and poor eye‐sight.
So far there are no known negative effects, side‐effects or contraindications.